The criminal justice system needs qualified administrators to manage day to day operations in law enforcement, corrections, and courts. With a degree in criminal justice administration, you’ll understand the essential theories and principles of the criminal justice system, and will be prepared to take on a managerial role as a criminal justice administrator.
Online Criminal Justice Administration Degrees and Careers
Several online programs offer a bachelor’s or master’s degree in criminal justice administration. This specialty provides entry-level and experienced criminal justice professionals with the foundations, knowledge, and skills for administrative roles in law enforcement, the courts and corrections. Coursework provides a broad administrative background, and covers criminology management and criminal law as well as human resource management and information technology.
Careers in Criminal Justice Administration
Criminal justice administrators manage the operation of criminal justice organizations and ensure that policies are properly carried out. Positions in this area are typically in supervisory and management roles. Career options in criminal justice administration are available at local, state, and federal levels and may include job titles such as:
- Police chief
- Paralegal
- Director of security
- Police officer
- Detective
- Intelligence analyst
Jobs in consulting, training, research, and private security are other potential career areas to consider and are usually held by pros with a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Criminal justice administration salaries tend to pay well, as positions are often in supervisory or management roles. As of May 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported an average salary of $97,180 for police chiefs/supervisors and an average salary of $86,940 for both detectives and criminal investigators, and intelligence analysts.
These careers are also very stable and offer great professional opportunities. Job growth projections reveal slow but steady growth among police chiefs, detectives, and intelligence analysts through 2029.
May 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and job market trends for first-line supervisors of police and detectives, detectives and criminal investigators, and intelligence analysts. Figures represent national data, not school specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed June 2021.
National job growth projections for first-line supervisors of police and detectives, detectives and criminal investigators, and intelligence analysts sourced from the U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored O*Net database (2019-2029).
Online Courses in Criminal Justice Administration
With many graduates pursuing careers in criminal justice management, criminal justice administration curriculum will focus on leadership techniques within the criminal justice field. Courses may include:
- Police and Community Relations: This course examines the history of policing as an element in the community. Topics covered may include community policing, media relations, and environmental factors.
- Criminal Justice Organization and Administration: This class describes the make-up of criminal justice bodies like the courts, prisons, and police organizations, and typically examines human resources planning, centralized authority, and organizational development models.
- Leadership: Topics may include situational leadership, organizational climate, moral dilemmas, human relations, diversity, and performance management. One point especially emphasized is the importance of effective leadership styles in the criminal justice system.
- Supervision of Criminal Justice Personnel: This course focuses on supervisory and middle management roles, and teaches skills for building successful inter-personal and co-worker relationships.
Develop Your Career in Criminal Justice Administration
Prepare for your future in criminal justice leadership with an online degree in criminal justice administration. Find your ideal program in our directory of schools.